Language: According to the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, the term language is defined as “the system of communication in speech and written (writing?) that is used by people of a particular country or area”.Influence: According to the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, the term influence means “the effect that somebody or something has on the way a person thinks or behaves, or on the way that something works or develops” (768).English: According to the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, the term English means “the language, originally of England, know spoken in many other countries and used as a language of international communication throughout the world.” 486)?.It is used as a way of communicating with people who do not speak each other’s languages. The term pidgin means “a language which has developed from a mixture of two languages. Pidgin: According to the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary.Thus the influence of Pidgin English on the level 400 students can be seen in their use of the English language especially in the following areas: pronunciation, grammar, spelling, vocabulary, and syntax. This, therefore, leaves a mark and it is often hard to change or discard as it is often said: “old habits die hard”. People who acquired Pidgin as their first language, or who also grew in an environment having as first language Pidgin English, tend to use its pronunciation and intonation in English, taking little or no note that any other language could be spoken differently. More so, it is a lingua franca in Cameroon, and mostly to the Anglophones. Pidgin English disrupts the smoothness of communication in English because it has an upper hand over English. Pidgin English came as a means to simplify communication to the non-native speakers of English and since then, it forever left its traces. This is due to the fact that English or French is their official language. For instance, people born and bred in the Littoral, Centre or in the six other Regions of the French part of Cameroon would naturally speak French, and those born and bred in the South-West, North-West Regions of Cameroon would speak English.

It is common knowledge that people often learn or speak the language that is commonly used around them. Therefore, we recommended parents avoid speaking Pidgin English to their children at home and use the English language in their various houses with their children, after all, learning begins at home.

Thus Pidgin English has a negative influence on the English language use of students. From the analysis, we discovered that 87% of the students speak Pidgin English. The data collected through a questionnaire were analyzed using a descriptive statistical method. The method of data collection was done through questionnaire administration. The main theory used was polygenic theory. This study aims at identifying the effects caused by the influence of Pidgin English on the English language use of students. This study examines the influence of C.P.E on the English language use of level 400 students of the English and French Department.