The wires, electronics, and chips that can be inserted into a human body are numerous, and can be mind-numbing, weakening, disorienting, and destructive. These people are not enlightened people, they are a rouge-regime that sit in front of computers and telephones that are wired up the hearts, minds, and genitalia of your mother, your brother, your family, and your loved ones. These people who work in places that hang sings out front reading "Texas Instruments" and "North Dallas Bank" are not college-educated people. And, yes, this is type of "rouge regime" could only be called a "Sexual Pervert and Sexual-Authoritarian Regime." This renegade group of "glorified sexual abusers" use software-mind control training of both police officers and the victims of society who would never do such horrible things to another human being. These are the precise types of facts that the government for the past 20 years has ardently covered up. Not all of the people who murdered were Richardson Police Officers, but by the same token when the Richardson Police walk in to school and gun down the kids - you have an atrocity. No, the people of the 80's and early 90's killed a lot of American Citizens. The elementary school that I attended is still here in Richardson, Texas - although it changed names and was rebuilt once or twice when I was younger. I used to have a photo when I was younger of my 2nd grade teacher teaching me about "the devil's tongue" and pointing at the United States and explaining that "perfect English" was the language that the soldiers from the U.S. The lunatics who came home from the Vietnam War in the 1970's came back to a nation that mostly knew the acts of atrocity they had committed, and were rarely - if ever - willing to show them any respect for "defending our nation" at all. The art of butchering the American Citizen was in full-force during the Reagan Administration, and as I have explained in earlier posts I witnessed more than a dozen of my friends (READ: other kids, some as young as 8 years old) killed in front of me growing up here. These "fake engineers" are not people who are educated by an stretch of the imagination.
The way hypno-programming works involves involves legions of "fake software engineers" sitting inside of office-towers and low-rise office-space in and around North Dallas. Hypno-Programming is a tremendous abuse of power, and after the large amount of people killed in the (former) United States during the Reagan & Bush 1 administrations, flourished tremendously and has resulted in the obliteration of tens of thousands - if not millions - of innocent people who do not function well in society, or worse, are left in horrific-low-paying non-ownership types of careers where they are ordered to steal out of cash-registers or bunk up in apartments to earn their living.