You were so afraid to try and pull apart the endless rain you thought of as your heart. That is the way that you want her, I tried to tell you. I watched her in your eyes, and move across your face like the wind on the water, I tried to tell you. And what could I say? It lived in you all day. It was getting late, you were afraid of yourself afraid that you might call her, that you could not help yourself. With a wine in my hand, laid back in the grass of some stranger’s field, while shearwaters reeled overhead, thinking I should get all this dying off my mind, I should really know better than to read the headlines, does it matter if I see? Or really, can I not just cover my eyes? In the half light, soft wind on my skin, pink clouds massing on the cliffs, thinking how can i touch this, how can i touch this softest petal, softest stem, softest leaf, bending, green, in my palm? Thinking I should get all this dying off of my mind, I should really know better than to read the headlines, does it matter if I see? Or really can I not just cover my eyes? Oh tell me, why can’t I just cover my eyes?

My god, I thought, what a sunset blood red floods the Atlantic. Hold open the gates for the want of lust. Nobody taught me nothing was mine - if nothing was mine, taking was all there was, looting at dawn looting at dusk.
#From the rooftop shout it out lyrics how to#
When I was young, I learned how to make love to the robber, to dance with the other, to wring from his hand the touch of a lover. Turn your gaze from the window’s light, turn your attention to this sharp knife. Make real imagination, make unreal that which can be taken. He had permission - permission by words, permission of thanks, permission of laws, permission of banks, white table cloth dinners, convention centres, it was all done real carefully. No, the robber don’t hate you, the robber don’t hate you. He never saw you, you were two halves of the same piece divided into two.

The robber don’t hate you, you never believed in the robber but the robber never believed in you. You thought a robber must hate you to wanna take from you. I never believed in the robber, no, I never believed in the robber. I figured everything he took was gone, nothing to do, nothing to be done. I never saw nobody climb over my fence, no black bag, no gloved hand.